Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 2007

We had another super dinner @ Grandma's house this year. Savannah invited her friend Kelly, and Sky was in from school as well. I'm sure I have a picture to add. Drinks were POM blueberry/pomagranet juice with Stoli blueberry vodka, garnished with blueberries,(surprise!!), rasberries,& blackberries. YUM !! everyone enjoyed it.
4 helpings of turkey,stuffing,cranberry, and gravy mix for me. Sweet potato/marshmellow thing was a wash due to too much booze in it. I think its running 4 out of 6 sweet potato dishes ruined over the last 10 years. Season for flavor, not alcohol proof.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

That was QUICK !!

Sure, its November 10th. Tomorrow is our 26th wedding anniversary. 11/11/81, Veterans Day. A holiday to honor our country's veterans. Nina and I might be veterans as well. After 26 years we have been through some difficult campaigns. Obviously we've survived, wiser and more resolute.
So all that stuff is great. November is also the time of year I started working for NYC Transit. After 7 years at my location in Queens, my superiors saw fit to eliminate my job. I'm not even going to run down the list of speculation, as it would only irritate me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

ALmost Fathers Day

Its almost Fathers Day. What can I say. Maybe I'll go to the cemetery and visit my dad, and mom, and father in law. They are all in the same place.
I thought about getting my kids cards for Fathers Day thanking them for being the best gift I could ever have. Maybe I will.
My music project is lulling while Frank is away with his son whose shipping out to Iraq again. Theres a real lack of movement happening and it has to turn around.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wheres the SUN ?

Its a damp and cool spring so far. Beats snow but I'm looking forward to some rays of sunshine.
I'been visiting the gym for 4 weeks now, and actually eating like a human instead of the trash compactor. Its a good thing.
Shaved my head. Again. I did this 10 years ago or so. AT this point I'm ok with the upkeep. The shave is therapeutic and I haven't cut myself yet. A picture will follow soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring has arrived @ this bloggers home base. Looks like we have a shortage of squirrels and an abundance of acorns. I think the flowers are daffodils.
I notice the some of the fuzzy tailed rodents have dug up some of their acorn stash in the lawn. I guess they are compelled to do so, and don't realize that there's hundreds of acorns topside for the picking. Here's an animal that will pursue food with ingenious intent, but can't see the acorns for the trees.
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