Multiculturalism. We're "Multicultural". Its ALL good, we don't actually believe in ANYTHING. I'm ok, your OK.
Liberal western cultures are predisposed to multiculturalism because it serves to avoid the guilt we otherwise would feel for standing up for our freedoms. If I am not mistaken, there are only 3 countries with Islamic populations of 20% or more that can still be called multicultural. They are tiny little countries, that didn't even exist when I took Social Studies in high school.
There is no Multicultural in Islamic countries. Either the host government allows the Muslims to establish a parallel Sharia court system to try Islamic crimes, or the goal is to subjugate the country's government and instill a Sharia run regime.
England, France, Holland, Canada, and very soon The USA. With every step we take toward multiculturalism ........ BAH.
Enough will be too much. Is every single issue and conflict we observe just another case of extreme Islamic phobia? Can the observer be wrong ALL the time? How many times do we have to witness the inequalities portrayed by Main Stream Media (MSM) to be able to say once , A HAH!! We were right!?
Is it all coincidence ? Are we wrong all the time? It doesn't see likely. So when we've acquiesced and accommodated our lifestyle to those who will not integrate to our culture, and we FINALLY say "ENOUGH", it will be TOO MUCH. Too late. Regretfully, retro action is even more impossible than pro action.
This country is not made up of cowards, and many will not stand for peaceful assimilation like good SHEEPLE.
Ukraine Uber Alles?
6 hours ago