[I apologize for the extreme wordiness of what follows. I promise I wasn't on any drugs. Possibly I had bee to the bar that night]
If I made a list of events, occurrences, decisions, complicity, that have surrounded and defined numerous portions of my entire life to this point, it would include (IMO), a fair number that would be tedious, and uncomfortable for even me to read.
The good news is, that isn't gonna happen. At the time these events took place, I obviously had difficulty determining what the best course of action was. Now I know. Well, now I know the extent to which my original choice demonstrated its failed potential. I'll still call it maturing and growth because, quite frankly, I deserve it.
With any amount of fortune and sobriety, neither of which are in great supply these days, I don't expect to duplicate or recreate the havoc/chaos that came before. They were mistakes I made in haste and poor judgement, driven by clouded opinion of uncertain outcomes. Obviously, for the most part, my life today isn't so much shaped by them.
Because I behaved, or portrayed myself in one manner or another in the past, hasn't prevented me from making the needed observations and adjustments in the present. We're not shackled to what doesn't or hasn't worked.
Migration Invasion: Who Are These People?
4 hours ago