Had a traditional holiday breakfast @ work, 3 egg cheese omlet, Parks original sausage and a poppy bagel with country crock spread!! YUM
Lunch was Progresso (maybe) italian wedding soup with a boiled german knockwurst accompanied by a left over sesame bagel.
Over lunch our reduced crew, down to 2 for the lunch break, discussed some of our religious background and current standings. How we celebrate and why and so forth. Its an unusual discussion because we tend to keep away from personal deep discussions like that @ work.
It was fine, and actually opened up a different thread of communication between this other employee and myself. We get along pretty well as it is, enough so that I shared my food for breakfast and he shared his for lunch. Seems like a decent yardstick.
Got me to thinking for the rest of the day, never a good sign. I'd just recently made it a point to decipher the anagram RINO, as in Republican in Name only. Cute, to the extent that I understand the reference. My mid day conversation on religious observation still was lingering about and I got to thinking about people who don't practice or observe their religion outside of a few specific holidays. Easter and Christmas ( including ash Wednesday, or Palm Sunday?) Chanukah, Rosh and Yom. And no even embracing to spiritual essence of a God.
Oh but why, really. A god is created in the mind of man to suit his mortal needs. But when theres no answer, or all the obvious answers in our life have run through our hands. Maybe to refer to the unknown or unexplainable. When logic abandons you. As a mere spiritual anchor.
Well I don't think I hold a belief in god, I just can't allow myself to, but I quite recognize and admire other peoples faith in a higher power/entity. Its satisfying to see.
And so it flashed against my inner foreheads billboard sign. JINO. Yes, you guessed it. Jews in name only.
Migration Invasion: Who Are These People?
4 hours ago