Thursday, December 11, 2008

Closing in on 2009...whew !!!

Casserole? YUM!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A quickie while we're here. . . .

The tag line was " Live the good life without the expense". It was at the end of a home furnishings store commercial on the TV tonight. How succinctly those 7 words wrap up our societies focus on growth and development as a nation.
I'd planned 2 or 3 pages on living red in a blue city, or blue city in a red state of mind, or some such. I'd written out 3 pages of notes inspired by 2 weeks or so of campaign rhetoric that has been coming through my media devices, but the notes are still in my backpack. The TV commercial however was enough to get me started.
You know what it means, so I don't have to slog through an explanation. The genie is out of the bottle. Don't bother closing the barn door either................

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25th. A change is gonna come. I'm going to start by posting pictures of my apartment. Seeing pictures are different than living in the picture. We get accustomed to our world, but if you see it objectively that's another view altogether.
And actually these pictures are old. I could take new ones but that's energy wasted.
If individual family members do not make an effort, at least weekly to turn the situation around, they are not contributing to the well being and health of the family.

EDIT !!! June 25th..What year? It really does not matter because from year to year nothing changes. Its all fine and no one is willing to take any responsibility what so ever for it. I surely won't take responsibility for other peoples mess.
Actually looking at those pictures, things look almost human compared to today 10/28/08. I've scraped food off the kitchen floor with a metal spatula. Scrubbed past dinners from the stove time and time again. Picked up items that fall by the way that people ignore. Nothing has any place or belongs anywhere.
The only place I'm sure of is the one where I should keep my mouth shut or stand accused. In actuality, as I get older, I could care less since no one here cares at all anyway. Scrub the cats chin, squeeze the cats ass, but provide a home to live in?
We're PARALYZED with fear about throwing anything away all because of a pack rat hoarder. No effort is made to alter or change the condition . There is no shame. What defense could there be.